A New Tea Party & Conservative Platform

These politicians we have are chasing demographics and that's not the problem in my own opinion. People want pathways to a comfortable life no matter what their education level is. The conservatives need to step back and embrace a more realistic system that promotes the work ethic through less expensive pathways and build a financial safety net that secures people when they get into trouble then puts them back on a pathway to generating their own incomes again. Lots of people are lazy and love doing nothing for a government paycheck but more people just want pathways that are less financially stressful to calm their fears about having to live in a cardboard box. The biggest fear most people have is losing financially and being put out on the street. Low wage workers are always stressing out financially to get financially stable as they work in dead end jobs or are constantly struggling financially all their lives with no movement forward, just more struggling.

The work ethic in the U.S. society is without a doubt the way to go but as more advanced machinery comes into manufacturing larger portions of the U.S. population can be serviced with less people needed and more people are fighting for the same jobs creating lower pay rates except in higher level positions. Then on top of this the democrats are loading the U.S. with massive amounts of immigrants and getting them naturalized as fast as they can just because these immigrants vote for democrats and creates a larger dependancy on government by U.S. citizens. Skilled labor in certain developing job areas is in demand but skilled labor in the general labor market isn't so much in demand anymore due to the fact you can find illegal immigrants anywhere that will do most general skilled labor jobs for alot less than what U.S. citizens will do them for.