Heath Care Costs

Through the years myself and everyone else assumed that illegal immigration was driving up health costs and this is with no doubt true. But what is happening also is the hospitals, insurance companies and corporate doctors are tacking on millions upon millions more to medical bills the insurance companies pay and the patients never sees.

An example I personaly know of is my bother lived in a small California town. He developed gall stones. He went to the hospital to get them removed and he was charged $3000 for the removal and the $3000 was for hospital, doctor, lab and the whole show. He then moved to Texas a couple of years later. The gall stones came back. Again he went to the hospital and got the gall stones removed. He was charged a whopping $80,000 to get the stones removed. His insurance company paid $30,000 to the hospital and told my brother he was responsible for the other $50,000. He called me and started talking about this situation and I told him, "You have to pay for a few thousand illlegal immigrants" and this is your duty as a U.S. citizen to pay for these people that you have nothing to with so businesses can profit from cheap labor. He didn't really understand why he was getting stuck with that $50,000 bill but he does now.

I've seen actual hospital bills for major treatments and beleive you me hospitals, radiology and labs charge whatever they please.

Everyone thinks these overcharges are because of illegal immigrants and this thought is true but:

"The medical profession is charging way over the acutual cost of illegal immigration".

You talk about pure greed, well, it has reached our medical industry to the point where they charge the insurance companies 15 to 20 times the cost of the treatment in a hospital. The insurance companies don't check the charges on each bill and just shortpay the hospitals and the hospital gladly accept the short payment. The short payment is still at a great profit over the actual cost of illegal immigrants.

The insurance compainies raise your rates and short pay the greedy hospitals knowing that the hospital is making phony charges to the patients. The insurance companies get the bill and the patient never realizes that the most of the hospital charges are phony and are just happy they had insurance to pay off the hospital. The insurance companies are making huge profits and short pay the hospitals telling the hospitals this is a collaboration and you can't have all of our profits.

The collaboration is: The insurance companies get to raise their premiums blaming the rise on rising medical costs, The hospitals get to blame the rise in medical costs on illegal immigrants that congress won't get rid of. Congressional leaders are more than likely invested some way or the other in insurance company and medical stocks either directly or through an investment broker like the "Texas Pacific Group". If congress has monitary investments in investment companies like the Texas Pacific Group they can claim they didn't have anything to do with investing in hospitals and insurance companies that are ripping off the public.

My own thoughts of Obama Care is that since it serves no purpose and will not work adding millions to the U.S. debt that it's only purpose is to get "Everyone" paying high medical and insurance rates so people (democrats) that are heavily invested in health care and insurance stocks can get extremely rich. Richer than they already are and build their own wealth empires larger than Bill Gates. Think About It.